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Addressing Falls and Long Lie Prevention Within Our Care Homes

With a large proportion of our population aged 65 and beyond, it is important to tackle the dangers linked to falling.

It’s time to chat about something important – falls among our elderly population in England. With a large proportion of our population aged 65 and beyond, it is important to tackle the dangers linked to falling. We need to keep our loved ones safe and on their feet.

It is Falls Prevention and Awareness Week from the 18th of September – the 23rd of September. This is a perfect time for us to talk about innovation and new approaches to the management of falls in care homes.

The numbers don't lie: over 30% of those 65 and above have a fall every year, and this risk increases to a staggering 50% among those aged 80 and above. Falls among our elderly can cause physical and emotional distress, pain, injury, and loss of confidence and independence. Finding effective ways to prevent and manage falls is essential for the well-being of our care home population!

When a Fall Does Happen - We Prevent Long Lies

A common problem across many care homes is the restrictions on lifting a fallen resident and handling a fall within the care home. Usually, a fall results in waiting for an ambulance to attend. Waiting for this service can have many negative effects, including costs to the NHS and further injury resulting from the resident having to wait in an uncomfortable position. 

Waiting for an ambulance service after a fall is considered a ‘long lie’ and can have serious consequences for our residents. 

We aim to be a proactive and responsible care provider, and we knew there was a better way to support residents, prevent a long lie, reduce ambulance callouts and avoidable hospital admissions. 

Introducing the lifting cushion

We were funded by the NHS Ageing Well regional team to pilot a new approach to falls assessment and introduce a lifting cushion device to support residents from the floor in less than 2 minutes. 

We worked in partnership with the Northeast Ambulance Service to develop a training course for post-falls assessment and worked with Winncare to use their iStumble app and Mangar lifting cushions.

A lifting cushion is a game-changing innovation designed with both healthcare professionals and users in mind. This incredible device not only reduces the risk of injury but also makes those unfortunate falls a lot easier and more comfortable to handle after they happen.

With just a simple push of a button, it lifts fallen individuals up from the floor after a fall, to prevent a resident sitting in discomfort waiting for a medical check. 

The Key Features of a Lifting Cushion

  • Emergency assistance with versatile design: A lifting cushion serves as an emergency lifting aid, ensuring a safe and dignified lift for those who have fallen. This feature is especially valuable in small spaces, such as hospital bathrooms and hallways. These cushions are here to make sure everyone gets the help they need, no matter where they are.

  • User comfort: The cushion allows the fallen, and possibly injured user to move onto it and be assisted into an upright position. It's not just about getting back on your feet; it's about doing it comfortably. So, when someone needs a hand, they can use this cushion, and with a caregiver's help, it offers a comfortable raised seated position, facilitating a quick and safe transition to standing.

  • Inclusivity: A lifting cushion can help all of our residents, from those with conditions, to those with physical disabilities, or limited mobility. It’s a one-size-fits-all product, as it accommodates individuals of all sizes, from the most fragile to plus-size individuals.

We have trialled the lifting cushion process across 3 of our care homes in the Tees Valley and has successfully prevented NEAS callouts and attendance at accident and emergency for all non-injured falls within the care home. 

The lifting cushion pilot has reduced the risks associated with a long lie, provided better outcomes for individual residents and improved the skills and knowledge of the workforce.

The long lie prevention project is being evaluated now with the aspiration it will be funded wider by the Integrated Care Board across the whole of the northeast to ensure all care homes have access to a lifting cushion and iStumble as part of a whole system solution to falls management. 

St Martins Care was happy to be a part of the pilot that could eventually help care homes around the UK and prevent long lies for the residents. 

Of course, falls and fractures worry us when it comes to our residents, but here's the good news: a lifting cushion is a transformative solution. It's all about making life better for our residents. With its super-easy operation and flexible design, it's a big leap forward in how we handle falls. It's all about giving a dignified and quick response, ultimately enhancing the lives of our ageing population.


September 17, 2023


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