Care home insights


Windermere Grange

Cocktail Hour

Who doesn't like a nice cocktail and chilling with friends?

Windermere Grange

World Downs Syndrome Day

Let's Rock Our Socks Off Update.

Windermere Grange

World Downs Syndrome Day

Lets Rock our Socks Off !!

Windermere Grange

St Patricks Day

Top of the morning to ya !

Windermere Grange

Pancake Flipping Competition

Residents and staff at Windermere Grange decided to have a competition to see who is the best Pancake Flipper!

Windermere Grange

Award Winning Halloween Poem

Windermere Grange residents were asked to create a special poem for a competition, reminiscing about Halloween as a child and their memories from that time. We ...

Windermere Grange


The not to be missed event of the season is taking shape at Windermere Grange. We're decorating our care home and getting the car park ready. We're in the mood ...

Windermere Grange

Getting Ready for Halloween at Windermere Grange

We're busy at Windermere Grange getting ready for Halloween. We're really excited and having a spooktastic time creating the illusion of floating witches hats.

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